
Basics Of Yoga ‘Sun Salutation’ (Surya Namaskar)


  Fitness Blog

  Basics Of Yoga is a flowing series of twelve poses which is called 'Sun Salutation' (Surya Namaskar). This series of twelve poses will help with your flexibility and will strengthen the muscles and the spinal column.

  Yoga is one good way of relaxing and also working out the body and keep it supple. Some important points you keep in mind to start Yoga are:

  Establish your body limits and practice Yoga to these limits.

  It is advisable to start Yoga with a teacher by joining a class.

  Always consult a health professional before starting a new exercise.

  You want to start by controlling your breathing very slowly and deeply as you go through the poses. You also want to concentrate and focus on the movements and coordinate your breathing to the movements of the poses. To start, the twelve poses may not flow as one movement. The aim of the 'Sun Salutation' (Surya Namaskar) is to go through the twelve poses as one graceful movement.

  Here are the twelve poses you complete the 'Sun Salutation' (Surya Namaskar) from start to finish.

  Step 1. Stand on your Yoga mat and start with the Yoga Mountain Pose. This is standing up straight with your palms together in prayer position. Exhale.

  Step 2. As you Inhale, raise your arms straight overhead and arch your back slightly.

  Step 3. Exhale and then bend down forwards keeping your legs straight and touch your feet with your hands.

  Step 4. As you Inhale , step the right leg back, arch your back and lift your chin.

  Step 5. Exhaling, step the left leg in line with the right leg and create an 'A' shape with your body by keeping your legs and back straight.

  Step 6. Retaining the breath, lower your knees, your chest and then your forehead, keeping your hips up and toes curled under.

  Step 7. Inhaling, stretch forward and bend back. Keep your arms straight.

  Step 8. Exhaling, curl your toes under, press down into your heels, and lift your hips creating an 'A' shape like step 5.

  Step 9. As you inhale, bring your right leg forward, with the top of the foot stretched out flat on the floor, and lift your chin.

  Step 10. Exhale and then bend down forwards keeping your legs straight and touch your feet with your hands. (repeat step 3)

  Step 11. As you Inhale, raise your arms straight overhead and arch your back slightly. (repeat step 2)

  Step 12. Exhaling, come back to standing still with your legs straight and together with your arms either straight down the side of your body or place in prayer position.


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